Thursday, November 3, 2011

Late Rainy Season Grains at the ECHO Asia Seed Bank

This has been the wettest year we've ever seen. Usually the rains begin to show signs of winding down by late September. However, rainfall continued to be almost daily up through most of October.

Fortunately, the grain crops being grown at the ECHO Asia Seed Bank are thriving in the moisture. Pictured are a healthy plot of Job's tear, stalks of grain sorghum that dwarf Seed Bank Manager Wah and interns, Kym and Marcia, as well as our first planting of what we think is foxtail millet. The millet seeds were obtained during a Hort CRSP-sponsored seed fair in the Chiang Dao district of northern Thailand in January.

Seeds from these crops should be ready for harvest by the end of the year.