In 2010, an ECHO Asia Notes article entitled The Recent Introduction of Niger Seed (Guizotia abyssinica) Production in Northern Thailand described
how the production of Niger Seed, a drought-hardy oil crop, has spread
farmer-to-farmer along the Thai-Myanmar border. In the meantime, ECHO
Asia has also released numerous sample packets and bulk orders of Niger
among our regional partners.
During a recent trip to Pang Daeng Nai village in Thailand's Chiang Mai
Province, a community known for its agroforestry and green manure/cover
cropping efforts, our friend Nam Saeng showed us his freshly expressed
Niger seed oil from the crop he produced in 2012. He reports that
approximately two liters of Niger seed broadcast over roughly 1600
square meters of permanent hill field produced enough seed to fill six
20-liter cans. This amount of seed yielded enough oil to meet his
family's estimated needs over the next year. He says that neighbors
have noticed his results and expects others to begin planting Niger as
One of ECHO Asia's key roles is to highlight such underutilized crops
for the benefit of smallholder farmers who often cultivate marginal
land. However, one need expressed by Nam Saeng is access to a low-cost
mill to express oil for crops such as Niger seed (he had to travel some
distance to have his seeds processed). That leads to another key ECHO
Asia role; locating and/or encouraging the development of appropriate
technology for partnering development organizations to promote among
their focus communities.